ha... ak nak cakap pasal TM Net Streamyx... baru2 nih.. sbnrnya hari ak baru balik dari kampung la... ak nih desperate giler sebab x dapat online 3 hari.. haha... so ak pn smp ja rumah x lengah lagi terus on internet.. haha.. tp malangnyer.. internet connection xda.. bengang giler.. then disebabkan bengang yang amat.. ak pn g la tido.. bengang tuh ada lagi.. so ak pon malas la on laptop... ak bt bodo jela.. haha..
then malam lak ak try.. yey!! ada dah.. haha.. then ap lagi.. ak terus la masuk facebook... cek ak nyer ladang kat farm town.. fuhh selamat.. ada orang tolong jagakan.. huhu.. dah.. masuk balik bab asal.. rupa2nya internet bawah kelolaan TM down 1 Malaysia.. eh.. bkn site 1 Malaysia k.. tuh site Perdana Menteri Ke 6.. hehe.. kn saman I nnt.. lolx.. ok... ak pening.. mcmn bley satu malaysia down... perghh terus giler service... selamat la ak amik yang paling murah.. combo tuh.. bayar rm 60 sebulan... hehe.. tuh pn ak still bisingkn.. wkakak.. customer always right... remember that things ok...
ha... ak mcm bese.. ad ja movie yang ak layan.. n semestinya.. horror film.. hohoo.. my favourite.. ak baru ja download Selamat Pagi Cinta (eh.. tersesat download.. haha.. pasal cintan la plak.. layanzz) then ak download Mataku nampak Hantu, Hantu Aborsi dan juga Setan Budeg... tp semua ni blom layan lagi.. so xda review.. haha.. esok ak bg review k... papehal.. korang enjoy la korang nyer life k... c ya...
Ada announce dari TM.. baca neyh...
Dear Valued Customers,
We wish to inform our Streamyx customers that Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) will be performing a network upgrading exercise from 11.00 pm, Friday, 12th June 2009 until 6.00 am, Saturday, 13th June 2009.
As a result, Streamyx customers nationwide may experience a disruption of service during the stipulated period. We would like to assure you that the service would resume to normal after this period.
TM apologizes for any inconvenience caused whilst the same time, we would like to assure you that we are upgrading our network to enable us to serve you better.
Customers can call TM at 100 and select “Internet Services” or e-mail us at help@tm.com.my for any Streamyx related problems.
Thank You.
waa mst mlm tu bosan gle..
iskh iskh..
at last , off jugak streamyx ku , kalo tak on 24 hour..huhuhuhu
apa susah.. pergi jela tido awal... hehe
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