waa agak penat la.. hehe.. nak siapkan baju selamba tuh.. nak balut.. then.. nk taip lagi.. then nk tulis kt borang lagi.. perghh banyaknyer kerja.. x larat dah.. haha.. baju kemain banyak plak tuh.. perghh.. x larat dah.. huhu... korang nk tgk gmbr baju selamba?? ak blom tgkp lagi la.. nnt la ak up k... nih nk menaip pon x larat dah nie.. hehehe... kan best klo dpt rest kt tmpt tuh.. mcm gmbr kt atas nie.. mst layan kan...
mcam biasa la kan... klo xda preview movie tuh bukan la tuah kan.. hehe.. yer la.. tuah nih kan hantu movie.. main download jer.. tgk x la sangat.. huhu... ok.. kali nih nk share pasal filem basahhh (aka wet dream)... lawak cerita nih.. pasal anak2 remaja yg baru ja nk melangkau ke alam remaja.. filem nih juga berkisarkan tentang kekeluargaan dan juga persahabatan.. sangat menyeronokkan untuk ditonton... papehal.. korang pon tgk la skali k.. mmg best...

Language : Indonesian
Subtitle : Indonesian ( Included In rar )
Dimas, Ojan, Didot, and Alvin, joined in Gank Macho. They are in the process of searching over the dynamics of identity pubertas. Dimas, Ojan and Alvin have got Wet Dream. Didot but not yet, and that it is often a problem, like The Didot nyambung if I talk to a matter of sex. Dimas, Ojan Alvin and suspect there is something wrong with their friends. They also analyze and conclude that all of that happened because Didot had never experienced Wet Dream. They were concerned and tried to find ways to get Didot Wet Dream. But their adventure immediately.
Gank Macho eventually involved enmity with the Gank IMUT Anissa one of its members, so that veiled women idol Didot. But the friends that Didot Dimas, Ojan Alvin and more interested in the coach section Gank Gank beach volley IMUT of 4 women bohay nan how sad! Will reach obsesinya Didot Sexy Gank when you want to cuddle with menghadiahinya-smell? Or choose Didot "refine" his heart and chose true love from the girls berjilbab, Anissa?
ps: ada awek nih kan.. baik sangat.. n dia comey banget.. namanya wanis.. ;)
ps: tido baik2 k sayang.. haha

perlu ke tajuk dia Basah? Ceh.
hahhaa... tanya la produser nyer.. haha.. tp best la citernyer... hehehe...
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